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Beloveds… today I began to think back to before I actually began writing seriously… back before any of my novels were published. I THINK I’d begun attempting my initial novel: TWO CAN PLAY, but not really sure. However, I DO know I was introduced to establishing a blog spot back in Jan 2010 and filled…


Beloveds… Today I’m beset with the desire to bring to you some serious advice because of the terrible news inundating the airways lately. No good news… anywhere upon this planet. Unrest, war, murders, starvation, lying politicians as well as friends, theft, backstabbing, undermining others for self-promotion, total lawlessness, destruction of morals and common sense, etc.…

… and a wonderful Thursday afternoon to all you precious readers!! My darling husband and I have just returned to our little apartment from having an enjoyable lunch in the ‘Independent Dining Room’ here at Springfield Place. Since it’s Thursday we ‘Springfield Inmates’ dubbed it “anything goes” day. Usually specific days (ie: Wed. is chicken,…

Another Day… April 27, 2002 Beloveds… Am ‘pumped’ this morning! My darling and I had a wonderful dining experience (the first in a long while) last evening. The ‘gang’ from Springfield Place (our retirement community) had reservations at Big Boys eatery in nearby Clinton SC. Since Bubba is quite unable to ascend into the community…


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